
About Baptism

Baptism is for believers who are ready to go public with their faith in Jesus Christ. It is an act of obedience to God and His Word that shows others we are personally putting our trust in Jesus and following His example through baptism. When Christ-followers are baptized, they are submerged under water to identify with the death and burial of Jesus and are raised up out of the water to identify with His resurrection.  This is why we shout from “Death to Life” when believers are baptized at ONE*! Baptism is a public declaration of a new association—and a time of celebration—that we have placed our faith in Jesus Christ and are proud of it.

Ready to go public with your faith?

Register at ValleyRegister at North


What to expect and when to arrive?

You will need to arrive at least 30 minutes before the service you are getting baptized begins. When you arrive on campus, go to Room 1A located down the main hallway towards the church office. There will be a Baptism Check-In sign and a team waiting for you there to help you check-in and give you your clothes (a shirt and shorts) to change into for your baptism. A Staff Pastor or Key Leader of ONE* will talk to you about the importance of baptism, what the baptism process will look like, and answer questions you may have regarding your baptism before the service begins. Baptism usually occurs during the worship portion of the service or within the first 20 minutes of the service.

What do you need to bring with you?

You will want to bring a change of clothes to change into after your baptism. You may also want to bring flip-flops, a hair dryer and any other essentials you would like to have with you. The church will provide you with a shirt and a pair of shorts to wear during your baptism and a towel to dry off with after your baptism.

What are your safety guidelines?

Everyone who is getting baptized with you will wait as a group until everyone is done getting baptized before leaving the service together. A group picture is usually taken after baptism is finished, everyone changes into dry clothes and leaves with a Baptism Certificate. Everyone who was baptized will be emailed baptism pictures that were taken during Baptism Sunday the next week.