Parental Resources

Bible App for Kids:
Interactive Bible app with stories, games, and challenges for kids to engage in God’s Word

Bible App for Adults:
YouVersion Bible app with multiple Bible translations, Reading Plans, BibleProject Videos to recap each book of the Bible

Bible Storybook (birth-5 years):
Adventure Bible for Early Readers (1st-5th grade):
Teen Life Application Study Bible: (Middle/High School):

Devotional for the Family:
Building a Family of Faith, Andy Dooley

Grief (for kids):
Tear Soup: A Recipe for Healing After Loss, Pat Schwiebert and Church DeKlyen
Identity in Christ (for kids):
I Know Who I Am, Dorena Williamson
Miscarriage and Stillbirth:
Hope Beyond an Empty Cradle, Hallie Scott
Omnipresence of God (for kids): 
God is Here, Lisa Town Bergren

Parent Cue:
Parenting Beyond Your Capacity, Reggie Joiner/Carey Nieuwhof

Salvation (for kids):
The Garden the Curtain and the Cross, Carl Laferton